P.O. Box 891775
Oklahoma City, OK 73189
Charles and Vesta Youell
Memorial Page
What a blessing Mama & Daddy were to our lives. We are so thankful that they are both now home with their Lord and each other, as well as, Gran, Grandpa, and many other family and friends who arrived in Glory’s big house, before they did. But, oh, how we do miss them!! They both left us a great testament and witness to God’s honor and they are both free from pain, sorrow, suffering and Hallelujah!, their salvation and wholeness is complete!
Daddy, Charles Youell, went to be with the Lord on April 24, 2001 and Mama went to be with the Lord on March 25, 2005. As Mama’s children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, family and friends, gathered at the Parks Brothers Funeral Home, in Stroud, Ok., on Monday, March 28th, 2005, at 10:00 AM, to Celebrate her life, the presence of God was so powerfully with us. The family ministered the service to God’s Glory and Mama’s life. Rev. John shared some beautiful things about her journey here on the earth, our son and Mama’s first grandchild, Jeff, read some loving, beautiful thoughts and memories, that each of the grandchildren had written, bringing tears to our eyes, and much laughter that filled our hearts. My sister Etta, sister-in-love Anne, and myself, led the congregation in Mama’s favorite hymn, “Amazing Grace”, and also delivered two of Mama’s favorite songs, that she always loved to hear us kids sing years back when we traveled in ministry, or would get together around the piano, “I’M GOING TO HEAVEN” and “BUILD MY MANSION, NEXT DOOR TO JESUS”. My brother, and SGMM Spiritual Advisor for many years now, Pastor John Youell, Sr., shared a message from God’s Word, using Mama’s favorite scriptures, and some wonderful stories of Mama and Daddy’s life together, such as how God used Mama’s choices to love the Lord and serve Him as Savior, to win Daddy to Christ and bring our entire family/house to the place in God and ministry where it is today. He closed the message by reading Mama’s favorite poem, “Footprints In the Sand”. My nephew, John Youell, Jr., put a powerful sealing on Mama’s Celebration Service, by singing, “IF YOU COULD SEE ME NOW”.
Mama was named, Vesta Faye Drake when she was born, on March 6th, 1929, in Jennings, OK, to Orville Ora and Etta Olive (Morgan) Drake.
Mama was the next to youngest, and the only girl, of 4 children. In her growing up years, she was close to her parents, and her 3 brothers, Ervin, Willis, and Orville (Jr.), and was an honor student all through school. She always loved music, reading and was a cheerleader in high school. My Uncle Jr. shared with us that during basketball season, when the team would get behind on the score board, Mama would get out there and get the crowd going, to rev-up the team to bring them out and scoring the lead once again. Mama continued to encourage others and cheer for Jesus throughout the rest of her years and life on earth as well.
On March 20, 1946, Mama married Daddy, (Charles Youell), in Chandler, OK. Mama had seen Daddy’s picture on the post office bulletin board, where they had placed several of the men’s photo’s from that area who were in the service at the time. She got Daddy’s address and began to write to him. Daddy was somewhere out in the South Pacific and was at mail call one day. Mama’s brother Ervin was stationed there with Daddy and was handing out the mail that day. Uncle Ervin handed Daddy this letter from Mama, with a photo of Mama enclosed. Daddy asks Uncle Ervin if he would like to see a picture of his girlfriend back home. Uncle Ervin looked at the photo and said, “Hey, that’s my sister.” It was quite an amazing coincidence at the time and of course Uncle Ervin and Daddy became acquainted and later brothers-in-love.
Mama and Daddy gave birth to three children, during their life on earth together, Filese (Phyllis) Loeva, Johnny Charles, and Etta Marie. Mama had accepted Jesus as her Savior and Lord at the age of 8, then re-committed her life and family to God, in l952, at the 1st Assembly of God Church, in Ulysses, Kansas, where at the same time, Daddy, turned his life over to the Lord.
Both Mama and Daddy were so thankful that all of their children were taught of the Lord and chose to serve God in Ministry. Our parents (and grandparents of the grandchildren as well) were very supportive and very much a part of the front seat of our lives in the fulltime ministries of the Churches Pastored and of Son Grace Music Ministries. They were always challenging and encouraging the callings, talents, and giftings of God in all of our lives.
Heaven’s choir was singing, and the bells were ringing, as the Holy Escort of Angles came to carry Mama back home to her Creator and Lord, on the beautiful morning of Pass Over/Good Friday, March 25th, at 10:00AM, in the anointed home of our brother and sister-in-love, John and Anne Youell, and with her family gathered around her, telling her to go on, and how much we loved her, Mama went home to be with her Lord, at the end of her 76 year pilgrimage here.
Mama’s body was laid to rest beside Daddy at the Kendrick, OK Cemetery.
We love you Daddy & Mama and we will thank our God always for your life and at every remembrance of you. Thank you both!!! For all of your love, friendship, teaching, example, and the great Spiritual Legacy that you have left us! We will see you again soon, our precious Mama & Daddy!!!!!
Below you will find an opportunity to make a donation to SGMM in honor of Charles and/or Vesta Youell. This fund has been established in honor to address financial needs of the ministry whether they are for new/additional sound equipment, travel equipment, or other areas that God puts before this ministry. If you decide to make a donation on behalf of the Youells, please know that we greatly appreciate your act of giving in memory of Filese' parents.
To send an offering in honor of Charles & Vesta Youell:
Make your check out to SGMM, with "Memorial" in the memo line
For a tax deductible receipt make your check out to TCC, with "SGMM Memorial" in the memo line.
Son Grace Music Ministries
PO Box 891775
Oklahoma City, OK 73189 |