P.O. Box 891775
Oklahoma City, OK 73189

The most important goal of Son Grace Music Ministries is to introduce and/or restore people to Christ Jesus, to bring them into a relationship with Jesus Christ or help them find their way back to Jesus Christ.  There would be no reason for the existence of this ministry without fulfilling the commission of the Lord Jesus Christ to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel (the Good News of Jesus Christ) to all creation.” Mark 16:15

If you received Jesus Christ as your Savior but have not had a personal relationship with him in a long while please pray this prayer with us:

Heavenly Father,

As a child of yours Lord, I have fallen short of my commitment and sinned against you.  Your Word says that if we sin, we have an advocate with you Father, which is Jesus Christ your Son.  Your Word also says to wash ourselves and make ourselves clean, to cease to do evil and learn to do well.  I repent and turn from any sin in my life and wash myself with the Water of the Word of the Living God.  I ask that you cleanse me from all sin as I desire to walk in Holiness and reverence of you, Lord.    I thank you Lord that you forgive me and restore unto me the joy of my Salvation.

I submit myself to you, Lord; spirit, soul and body.  I commit to change whatever needs to be changed in my life because the desire of my heart is to be a vessel unto honor, sanctified by the Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord.

In the Name of Jesus I pray,

 Scripture References:
1 John 2:1,Psalms 51, 1 John 1:7,9, Ephesians 5:26, Titus 3:4-7

We are so excited that you have returned to Jesus and decided to put Him first in your life again.  We would ask as a ministry that you locate a church in your area so you will be able to have the availability of teaching from the Word of God and relationships with other Christians.  If you already attend a church, Praise God, please continue to attend on a regular basis. This will enable you to grow spiritually and keep you accountable with the renewed commitment you have made to Jesus Christ. 

If you do not know of a church to attend or how to locate one, please email a message to us by clicking on the email address here ( ) and we will help you in finding a Bible believing and teaching church in your area.  Your brothers and sisters in Christ will be there to strengthen, encourage, and love you, as well you can for them. 

If you have chosen to renew you faith in Jesus Christ, please email and let us know.  We would love to agree with you in prayer and talk with you through the source of emaail (click here 

Thank you for visiting our website and we are so excited and so blessed by your decision.  We love you in the unconditional love of Jesus Christ and praise God with you for your decision! 

We want to hear from you…please email us! 


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